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산업연구원에서 발주하는 연구용역, 시설용역 등의 입찰공고

University-Industry Linkages in Science and Engineering Education 2003-06-30 문서 미리보기문서 다운로드
Author : Jin Hwa, Jung (Industrial Policy Division)

Human resource development has become increasingly important as a prerequisite for strengthening industrial competitiveness in a knowledge-based society. The procurement of high-quality technological manpower, in particular, is essential to the enhancement of industrial competitiveness through knowledge creation and technological innovation. Considering that human capital is formed and developed mainly through education and training, institutions of higher education play a crucial role in determining the quantity and quality of technological manpower. It is often pointed out that, in terms of school enrollment, university education in Korea ranks among the highest worldwide, but it languishes on the lowest spectrum in terms of qualitative competitiveness. human resource demand, providing such information to universities, and participating in university education.


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