Author : Pai, Mi Kyung (Industrial Competitiveness Division)
1. Introduction
These days, Korea is receiving attention for her economy threatened by accelerated de-industrialization accompanied by the rapid increase of outbound
investments to China. Up to now, the economic success of Korea has been cited as an outcome of strategic government interventionist industrial policies, which strongly pushed the manufacturing sectors such as the Non-HIC in 1960s, the HCI (Heavy Machinery and Chemical Industries) in 1970s, and IT anufacturing in 1990s. Thus, it is high time to look into the past and present performance of the core manufacturing sectors of Korea and implement strategic measures to increase their value-added and the number of high paying jobs they provide. In the following research report, we will look into such areas as level of industrial structure, trade balances of individual core industries over the past two decades, employment generating effects, and R&D intensity.