Analysis of Exports in the Electronics Industry of Korea, China, and Japan
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author : Hyunseung Cho (Industrial Competitiveness Division)
The rapid growth of China’s economy makes a big change, not only in production but also in trade volume. Thus, the importance of China in world trade is getting larger. The electronics industry conforms to this trend in the sense that the production and trade volume of Chinese electronics products is increasing rapidly.
China achieved fast growth in labor intensive industries in the past. Since the 1990’s, however, capital intensive industries have also been growing at a remarkable rate. This growth has brought about a significant change in trade between three Far Eastern countries: Korea, China, and Japan. China has become the most important in trade among these three countries. Table 1 shows the changes of trade volume and the proportion of trade to each country. It is evident that the proportion of trade to China from Korea and Japan has increased rapidly...