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산업연구원에서 발주하는 연구용역, 시설용역 등의 입찰공고

Synopses of Recent KIET Research Reports 2005-05-13 문서 미리보기문서 다운로드
author : Jeong, Jun-Ho, Jung, Jin-Hwa, Ryu, Kwan-Young et al.

1. The Spatial Structure of Industrial Agglomerations and Governance for Regional Innovation in Korea
As knowledge and innovations have been recognized as core elements for transforming the current economy into knowledge-based economy, the significance of regional economies has become more illuminated. In particular, the success stories of regional innovation based upon industrial clusters have already become known in major developed countries. However, the Korean economy has faced both of the urgent problems to be solved: an increase in total factor productivity and settlement of economic polarization...

2. Converging New Technologies : Paradigm Shift and Policy Perspectives
The purpose of this study is to analyze Korea`s competitiveness, with respect to the convergence of new technologies, and thus to develop policy measures to accelerate the development of converging new technologies. The convergence between new technologies is emerging as a megatrend of the twenty-first century science and technology development, bearing profound socioeconomic influences. Yet, even in the advanced countries, most converging new technologies are in the early development stage...

3. An Analysis of the Impact of the Korea-Japan FTA and Industrial Restructuring - Focusing on the General Machinery and Automobile Industries -
This report analyses the impact of the Korea - Japan FTA(Free Trade Agreement) focusing on the industries of general machinery and automobiles, and presents strategies to minimize the costs of industrial restructuring. To analyze the impact of the Korea - Japan FTA, a variety of research methods have been undertaken, including inter-industrial quantitative analysis like the CGE(Computable General Equilibrium) analysis, as well as intra-industrial qualitative analysis...


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