International Comparisons of Processes and Policies for Developing Heavy and Chemical Industries원문 미리보기원문 다운로드2013.12.27
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Process and Policy of Korea’s HCI Drive
1. Introduction 2. Background of HCI Drive in 1970s 3. Selected Industries and Driving Forces 4. Accumulation of Production Factors and Role of Government 5. Restructuring Program and Transformation to New Industrial Policy in 1980s 6. Assessment of the HCI Drive Policy 7. Conclusion
Chapter 3. The Process and Policy of Taiwan’s HCI Drive
1. Background of Second Import Substitution 2. Selected Industries and Participating Firms 3. Government Incentives 4. Evaluation 5. Difficulties and Obstacles in the Development Process 6. Conclusion
Chapter 4. The Process and Policy of the Philippine’s HCI Drive
1. Industrial Development Policy 2. The Automotive Industry Program 3. Shipbuilding Industry 4. The Steel Industry 5. Evaluation of Philippine Industrial Program 6. Lessons Learned
Chapter 5. The Process and Policy of Brazil’s HCI Drive
1. Introduction 2. The First Brazilian HCI Drive: The Target Plan 3. The NDP II: Deepening the Import Substitution Model 4. Evaluation of the HCl Drive 5. What Went Wrong? 6. Some Final Thoughts
Chapter 6. The Process and Policy of Algeria’s HCI Drive
1. Introduction 2. Background of Heavy and Chemical Industrialization 3. Determining and Fostering Strategic Industries 4. Basic Strategy for Fostering the Heavy and Chemical Industries 5. Challenges in the Heavy and Chemical Industries and Responses 6. Achievements of the Algerian Heavy and Chemical Industries 7. Overall Assessment
Chapter 7. Comparison and Assessment of HCI Policies and Their Implementation
1. HCI Comparison: Timing and Background 2. HCI Industrialization and Government Policy 3. Economic Structure Changes in the Post-HCI Era 4. Final Assessment and Conclusion
This study attempts a comparative analysis of the heavy and chemical industries (HCI) policy and development process in five countries Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Brazil, and Algeria with a focus on their implications. In particular, it looks at the similarities and differences in the background of their HCI drives, the implementation processes, the policies, and their results. Industrial policy is not an area where experiments can be replicated. However, a cross-sectional comparison may at least help in objectively assessing any one country’s industrial policy in a situation where experimental replication is not a viable option. An examination can offer an invaluable resource in planning and designing a direction for future industrial policy for countries that have succeeded in HCI, as well as those that have been unsuccessful.
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