연구 검색 결과 (8건)
... Focusing on the “Our Style of Economic Management” ㆍ Policy Direction for Strengthening Innovation Capacity of Korean Service Firms ㆍ Analysis of Sustainable Growth Capability of Start-up and Survival rate Improvement Policy ㆍ Competition in the Digital Economy: Collusion by AI Pricing Algorithms ㆍ The Evaluation and Challenges for Growth Capability of Korea’s Promising New Industry ...
This report examines the digital economy value chain and how it influences the adoption of new technology in manufacturing industries. New advances have created opportunities for a wide range of new services in a variety of end markets, which has implications for any number of countries. This report focuses its analysis on digital transformations associated with industrial equipment, examining how one ...
The economic policies carried out by Korea over the past half century have transformed the country from a rural economy into an industrialized one. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has quadrupled since the late 1990s alone, to US$1.4 trillion in 2016, making it the 11th largest economy in the world (WDI, 2017).1) In the process, Korea has become one of the world’s most important manufacturing hubs. ...
동향 검색 결과 (1건)
소통 검색 결과 (19건)
연구원소개 검색 결과 (1건)
연구진&연구분야 검색 결과 (2건)
북한경제, 북한산업, 남북 경제협력
북한산업, 개발협력, 산업협력 Green/SDGs
첨부파일 검색 결과 (21건)
... Chapter 2. Definitions and Methodology 2.1. Definitions 2.2. Methodology Chapter 3. The Digital Economy and Global Value Chains 3.1. Mapping the Digital Economy Global Value Chain 3.1.1. Software (Traditional; ... 6.3. India 6.4. China 6.5. Korea: Key Takeaways 6.5.1. Limited Participation in the Global Digital Economy 6.5.2. Korean Firms are often captive or closely tied to Korean MNEs, with few Independent Companies ...
... 1.2. The Development Implications of Global Value Chains 1.3. Current Trends in Global Value Chains 1.4. Potential Impacts of Changes on GVC Participation Chapter 2. An Introduction to Korea’s Economy 2.1. Korea’s Economic Profile 2.2. Industrial Policy in Korea 2.3. Trade and Investment Policy 2.4. Human Capital: Workforce Development, Education and Labor 2.5. Research and Development 2.6. Other ...
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